Friday, December 01, 2006

There IS such a thing as ...

… a free lunch.

The Demon basketball team found out the nice way today, thanks to the havoc created by Milwaukee’s worst blizzard in two years.

The storm passed, ironically, just after the Demons were the beneficiaries of kindness from the Wisconsin Laywers, the state bar of Wisconsin. The group was hosting a tax law seminar at our hotel, the Hilton City Center, but hardly anyone who was supposed to attend could make it.

The bar association had a wonderful buffet luncheon set up outside its meeting room. The few folks who were able to attend enjoyed their lunch. Meanwhile, the Demons rolled back into the hotel lobby after their midday shootaround at the Bradley Center, site of tonight’s game.

Timing is everything. Somebody around the front desk asked our coaches if the team would want some free food that was going to be otherwise thrown away, and explained the circumstance. It wasn't a tough decision.

Our very gracious hosts were Dennis Price, the media coordinator for Wisconsin Lawyers; Timothy A. Clark, the group's program attorney; and administrative assistant Anita Klan.

It was an unexpected surprise that filled the gap created when the tournament luncheon, scheduled for noon, was cancelled due to the storm.

It was more enjoyable to meet some wonderful Wisconsin folks whose kindness came out of the blue -- er, white drifts of snow blowing through downtown.

The Demons were very relaxed at their shootaround and had a great practice Thursday morning before leaving Natchitoches. Let's hope it translates into a super game tonight against Marquette!

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