Saturday, August 30, 2008

Noon on gameday

More RV's are pulling up and setting up in the Demon Alley tailgating zone, and in nearby locations. There are a couple of spots under trees outside the Demon Diamond softball complex and the outfield fence of Brown-Stroud Field, along with the west side of the Jack Fisher Tennis Complex, that are prime tailgating real estate open first-come, first-served -- and they're filling up.

The Texas A&M-Commerce team managers are unpacking their game gear in the relocated visitors locker room at Turpin Stadium. For the last few years, the visitors locker room has been located at the north end of the field, but it was a small area and has been relocated to the south end, the old visitors locker room.

Sitting calmly overlooking the north end zone is the new video board. In the 5 o'clock hour, that sucker is going to roar to life. As fantastic as it will be to watch the vignettes, features and replays, I bet the biggest change we notice will be with the booming new sound system.

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