Thursday, October 30, 2008

Renovations all over

Workers are placing tape on the basketball court in Prather Coliseum, preparing to begin painting the new floor design.

There's a deadline of sorts - there's a Fellowship of Christian Athletes luncheon in the arena on Monday, which is already being planned for the volleyball court end of the coliseum.

And the Lady Demon basketball team is hoping to play an exhibition game in Prather on Wednesday night. There's a chance it could shift to Friday night if the floor's not ready in time for Wednesday.

Across the street at the Demon Diamond, the wooden fences along the outfield foul lines are gone and there's extensive work underway to the backstop and throughout the complex. Later, the old wooden stands in the Outfield Club are going to be torn down and replaced with soundly-built new ones along the lines of the outstanding structure engineered by Dr. Ron McBride and friends.

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