Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cooking team

Coaches from different sports work together at NSU as well as family comes together in many cases.

This afternoon, coaches from men's basketball and soccer were working hard at the grill behind Prather Coliseum as Lady Demon basketball and volleyball staffs were pulling together supplies and other key ingredients for their annual Crawfish Boil and Awards Dinner tonight at 6:30 in Prather.

On the grill were big quarters of pork along with chicken quarters in another section of the cooker. Helping with the food prep and cooking: basketball staff members Mike McConathy, Bob Austin, Jeff Moore, Mark Slessinger and Rodney Kirschner, along with soccer coaches Jimmy Mitchell and Mike Baker.

Coach McConathy got toasted lightly. The gas on one of the burners didn't ignite and when he checked, it did, taking some hair off his arm. I hope he got in front of a mirror before he started believing that one of his eyebrows was gone. He did have a little red on his forehead, but in typical Coach Mike fashion, he wasn't slowing down and he wasn't complaining.

New football coach Bradley Dale Peveto, and the all-sports czar Coach Black, stopped by to check on the cooking out back. Peveto is unlikely to sample any of the meat, as he is a crawfish-eating machine and is eagerly awaiting that portion of the evening's feast.

Like the rest of us. It did not prevent Peveto from punishing a bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo at lunch downtown today. Some people have orange juice in the morning, but for Coach Peve, it's chicken and sausage gumbo for lunch!

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