Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good cause, good Jim Wells humor

Any of Jim Wells' classmates at Northwestern in the late 1970s know the college baseball coaching icon (none of them saw that coming, either) has a great sense of humor. That might be a little far-fetched to some of his players when he was coaching the Demons to unprecedented heights from 1990-94, but it is true.

Jim is one funny cat. Deadpan, irreverent, and sublime humor are in his bag of tricks. Some of that is on display in a promotional TV spot he did for a local prostate cancer benefit in the Tuscaloosa area (since 1994, he's been head baseball coach at Alabama).

Jim channels Chevy Chase in this spot, passed along by wife Lisa (Breazele) Wells to a circle of his friends such as former NSU golfer Tom Brassell, who shared it with a larger loop of buddies including Demon golfers David Thompson, David Goldstein, former track and field competitors Kelvin Fee and Tommy Swacker, and Demon basketball standout and Ohio native and resident Jim Hoops.

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