Monday, August 27, 2007

It's game week!

It's back, it's "Demons at a Glance" on this website. It's the ultimate reminder that this week, the results begin to count for NSU teams as the 2007-08 athletic year gets started.

Excited? You betcha. No further proof needed than watching football coach Scott Stoker make a fast-paced loop through his players as they closed in a circle to end Monday afternoon's practice in Turpin Stadium.

For a half-minute, it was riveting stuff to watch, and the emotion was palpable among the players and coaches. It was a great reminder that at its core, these are young people playing games, and they're supposed to be fun.

Today the calls and e-mails began streaming in, asking about the 100-year Demon Football Reunion plans Saturday. Former players and coaches and family members literally from across the country are excited about coming back home to NSU Saturday to rekindle memories of some of the best years of their lives, and to renew friendships.

Volleyball's first serve comes Friday, and the first shot on goal (officially) for soccer is Friday night, both on the road. Kudos to the Demon soccer team for a very solid performance in its exhibition game at home Friday night. Although Rice got the only goal, there were a lot of signs to remind us that any Jimmy Mitchell-coached team is going to be a formidable one.

Doug Ireland, SID

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